Monday, July 30, 2007

the winds sweaping through this empty landscape

recently i have been posting less and less. now i know there are millions of fans out there (*ahem*) waiting for more posts, but this is just to say: there's a holiday going on here, and my mind is floating somewhere in space and not exactly up to doing much writing. but here are some hints and tips to keep you amused and improve the overall quality of your life (yup, i can be very, very prescriptive):

- read Hemingway's The Old Man and the Sea
watch American Beauty
go jogging every time it rains
- listen to Pink Floyd's Wish You Were Here
- learn to appreciate the sensation of contact between your skin and the air
- learn to fly (especially when you are passing corn fields: look at them and take off)
- make more stupid jokes
- make picking your nose a full-time hobby
- buy a colouring book, it's a wonderful pastime

so, enough Wear Sunscreen-like tips (the song is better than this post anyway), i'm off. somewhere.

see you soon.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

happiness # 20

the sound of boiling pasta

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

the grimmeister

all my love to Grim. we'll be here for you, my friend, even if you are not.

never forgetting you,
