Wednesday, September 10, 2008

at night, i am king

(and the night shall be my queen)


megha puNAter" said...

lovely :)

P said...

(thank you)

megha puNAter" said...

did you take the photo yourself?
i went through your older posts very interesting.

P said...

yes, took it myself, on one of my many late-night wanderings. the earth is lovely when she is asleep.

thank you for the interest in my blog, it's not much, but i put in it what i feel is right. i may not have millions of readers, but what i right comes out of honesty, or at least this is what i try to do.

i must also say that since you posted a comment, i've become a regular reader of your blog as well. the ode to the trees was the first i read and i immediately found that it was something i could connect with. so thank you.

megha puNAter" said...

why do you say that your blogs not much?to be honest i am impressed with the sensitivity of your blog,i havent seen that in other belgians(or belgian blogs)
to most people i am just a vreemdeling here. wow its nice that you visit me regularly,its nice to share worlds thank you :)

P said...

it's not much because... i don't know. because i don't expect it to be much. but for me, it is enough. i am very glad to hear that it can be enough for others as well. and if we can share worlds, then maybe you are not so much a vreemdeling at all. i hope i can be just a tiny fragment taking away facing reality in Belgium. you can be sure there are others. just... hidden, at times.